Iron Man’s Three-Level Hall of Armor and Workshop LEGO MOC

I built this gargantuan three-level Stark Tower LEGO MOC (my own creation) to bring together three concept spaces: Iron Man’s Hall of Armor, Tony Stark’s Workshop, and an X-Men Danger Room-like testing area. Also, it was a model that didn’t take up too much desk space, so I got the enjoyment of seeing it while working without it monopolizing my desk. I wasn’t going for accuracy to something canon-established. Instead, I was mashing up some different ideas into a single model with a high degree of built-in playability. Eventually, I disassembled it and used many of its bricks to create the taller Avengers Tower MOC that I built and wrote about here.

Two-Level Origin

The first iteration of the mode was only two-levels tall and focused on the Hall of Armor and Workshop.

Top Level: Hall of Armor

Armor Display

Trap Door

Ant-Man Hides in the Shadows

Bottom Level: Workshop

The Slab with Rotator Knob

Industrial Robot on Slider

Three-Level Expansion

But, I thought adding a high ceiling level for testing and training, kind of like The X-Men’s Danger Room, would be cool. So, the build grew in height to enclose the Hulkbuster Armor facing off against Loki, the Winter Soldier, the Mandarin, Ultron, and an Extremis soldier.

Hall of Armor Updates

Workshop Updates

Danger Room

The knobs at the bottom center move the armatures forward and back for Ultron and one of his familiars.