Naming the Lost Memorial Activation and Dedication Ceremony at Green-Wood Cemetery

Naming the Lost Activation and Dedication Ceremony at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 19, 2024.

Last weekend, there was an activation and dedication ceremony for the Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York that I posted about here last week. There were speakers, music, and rituals performed. The banner to the left of the speakers in front of the chapel has written on it, “A Big, Slow, Majestic COVID Memorial.” It couldn’t have been a better day–pleasant and sunny. Afterwards, I walked a few miles through the cemetery with my N95 mask off and hanging from my backpack’s sternum strap.

Naming the Lost Memorial (NTLM) at Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn: Remembering Those Struck Down by COVID-19

Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.

At the 5th Avenue Main Entrance to Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York, there are impressive memorials created by folks in the community to remember those who were lost due to COVID-19 and recognize those still suffering from Long COVID.

The installation is called Naming the Lost, and it will be up through May 29, 2024. I am including photos below, but it is far more impressive to see in person. The work that these people put into this is a testament to their love and grief. It also points to the disproportionate effect of the virus on our densely populated urban environment–in terms of infection rates, mortality, messaging, and disruption.

Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.
Naming the Lost Memorial at Green-Wood Cemetery, May 2024.