Michelle Angela’s Nuestro Andar Florece (Our Journey Blooms) Mural in Brooklyn

Michelle Angela's Nuestro Andar Florece (Our Journey Blooms) mural near the corner of 23rd St and 5th Ave in Brooklyn

Artist Michelle Angela’s Nuestro Andar Florece (Our Journey Blooms) is near the corner of 23rd Street and 5th Avenue in Brooklyn. It inventive use of colors and gradients, figures and hands, and symbolism make it a work worth seeking out. More details about it being a celebration of Mexican immigrant women’s stories and how it came to be are on the artist’s website here.

Michelle Angela's Nuestro Andar Florece (Our Journey Blooms) mural near the corner of 23rd St and 5th Ave in Brooklyn
Michelle Angela's Nuestro Andar Florece (Our Journey Blooms) mural near the corner of 23rd St and 5th Ave in Brooklyn